Sleeping spaces

A where you spend 8 hours a night ,that's a third of your life......a bedroom can also be a haven for most intimate or favoured pursuits......... so doesn't your bedroom deserve some careful and quite special planning??????
Call attention to the bed by hanging a series of identically frames photographs over the headboard.

A window makes a suuitable backdrop for a bed ,especially if the window has some design cachet of its own. It always pays off to draw attention to the bed by emphasizing it with attractive linens,especially when you can tie a room together by doing so.

Dont hesitate to treat a day bed like a sofa or chair. According to feng shui the bed should face the entrance to the room,but your feet should not be pointed directly towards the door .The bed should also have its head against a wall to ensure solidity,stability ,and security

Accentuate the foot of the bed with a bench,a trunk,a low bureau,or even a stack of antique luggage.It will also serve as a place to sit while dressing,to drop clothes on ,or for storage.
images from


  1. Wow,
    Home decorating is really very beautiful..........
    Thanks for sharing this great home decorating............

    Click Here plz.

  2. Thanks for the nice tips. The images you have posted give great ideas and inspiration for bedroom decor.
